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Yes and No.
All color tattoo designs, when turned into black and grey, should be able to hold a 5 value system in order for the design to hold balance.
This is actually how you can tell if your color design is technically sound (from a fine art perspective on artistic design)
The 5 values are: black, dark midtone, midtone, light midtone, & lightest light.
The lightest light is normally the tone of the skin (when talking about black and grey tattoos)
And lastly, using only minimal white highlights, to make certain aspects pop, but is not relied upon to be your lightest light.
(less is more when it comes to white, in my opinion)
When you think about skin tone and the 5 value system,
One key element I offer a lot of my students is that your color designs should be able to be switched into a black and grey design without much changes.
Because when it comes to color and/or black and grey tattoos, its the ?????? that are going hold effective balance.
Psychologically, for clients who claim they aren’t artistic, there is an intuitive knowing on what FEELS like really good art.
So, When you understand the fine art fundamentals, it makes your creative decisions much easier to make in order to design tattoos that are pleasing to the eye.
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