টাকডুম টাকডুম বাজাই/ takdum takdum / Bangladesh flok dance
Folk is an ancient musical instrument. Drums are also mentioned in various medieval poems.In the holy Boishakh lathikhela, holi khela, boating, wrestling, kaviganer asar, jarigan, sarigan, toppagan, alkap gaan, gambhira, chokra nach, gajaner gaan, baulgan, muharram procession, jatragan, wedding bridal procession etc. The various worships of Hindus do not go without drums. Drums are played especially in Durga Puja and Kali Puja. Hindus, Muslims and tribals of this country use drums in various Manglik ceremonies. Even a few years ago, any government order or warrant was announced by beating drums or beating drums in different markets. The sound of drums is heard from far away...... 🇧🇩There is another musical instrument called Bangla Dhol. The size of Bengali drum is bigger than ordinary drum. The sound of Bengali drums is more serious than ordinary drums. Besides, there is another musical instrument smaller than drum, called drum. The drum looks like a small pepper. The two sides of the drum are equal in diameter, the skin covered is relatively thin. It does not take a stick to play the drum, it is played by hand. Dholak is mostly used in dramas and journeys. Drums are an essential instrument in......