Ninja Saga BUG REPORT - Kinjutsu: Archangel Fury (FIXED!!!)
The Kinjutsu: Archangels Fury in Ninja Saga is Bugged, it does not reduces dodge rate of a target by 50% for 3 turns. please help me everyone to report this to the Ns Developers. If you have any comments or questions, Problems or issues, kindly comment down below. There will be no music for this video as it is a video to be reported to the developers of NS. This is my first bug report video so i am still new to this. There is no methodology for testing the jutsu as i am inexperienced. Still, i think there is substantial amount of evidence to lead that this token paid, Legendary shop Kinjutsu is bugged. Please do subscribe to my channel for more Quality Ninja Saga videos. :D Description of the Kinjutsu :(Taijutsu) Exact divine retribution with continues blow of seraphic light. Removes targets all positive status and reduces dodge rate by 50% for 3 turns. Additional Notes: Elysia thought that his Pet Monkey Disperse Jutsu was bugged, it was actually not bugged. the pet disperse jutsu is fine, so there is nothing to worry about.