BAKUGAN Pro: CUSTOM Deck Box & DARKUS EVO Deck Review (Turtonium, Howlkor, Nillious) BEST STORAGE!?
Here is an epic review on one of the coolest deck boxes I've ever had! Don't forget about the best Darkus deck my channel has to offer with all of my favorites! Thank you all for your continued support Bakucrew! I can't believe the channel is soaring towards seven hundred subscribers, Let's get it! Interested in possibly having your own deck box created? Check out George's page on OfferUp: Don't forget to let him know I sent you! Check out the channel Discord server here: Remember to join my monthly giveaways! The current one is for an elemental platinum nillious: Previous unboxing & review: All Bakugan logos, characters, artwork, designs, figures, trading cards, bakucore, arena and affiliated products are registered trademarked property of Spinmaster. All of which are subject to copyright laws when applicable. Thank you for the opportunity to review and promote this game! #bakuganevolutions #spinmastergames #bakugan #bakuganbattleplanet #bakuganpro #spinmaster #bakugangeoganrising