Vocal Blues Collection - Have a Great Evening & Enjoy Relaxing, Chic Blues
Чёрный бархат блюза! Закутываюсь в чёрный бархат блюза и, невесом, плыву, закрыв глаза... Об этом невозможно рассказать. От удивительного с музыкой союза чувствительней становится душа, светлей становится, да просто молодеет, непостижимо как, но всё ж имеет влиянье блюз на души. Неспеша, издалека плывёт ненарочито за музыкой чуть слышный разговор... Впервой, не приходилось до сих пор вживую – блюз. Колотит деловито ударник, выпевает саксофон мелодию, солирует гитара... Я ощущаю резонанс удара и пульса... Резонанс ли, унисон – не всё ль равно, я в чёрный бархат блюза, закутавшись плыву, глаза закрыв… Как близок, как понятен мне мотив, в моей душе открывший настежь шлюзы! ✅Please Subscribe Official Channel✅ www.youtube.com/@VocalBluesSongs Welcome to our Vocal Blues music channel! We are very glad to see you here. Get ready to plunge into the world of mesmerizing melodies, soulful rhythms and unforgettable musical journeys. Whether you want to discover new sounds or hear classic hits again, we promise to offer you the best of music from all genres and eras. Let's celebrate the power of music together! Call this music rock, call it jazz, call it whatever you want. If she makes you move, or you just get high, she's with you forever! Greetings to all! Here you can find musical sound travels, thoughts & words about music, about the path of musical life in general! Music has a tremendous power to change lives. It goes beyond our normal perception. At the same time, music is not notes, chords or songs, but the breath of life that permeates everything & everyone. Thank you all for your presence! ✅IMPORTANT✅ ✅ The audio recordings of the songs are taken from open sources on the Internet! ✅ We are infinitely grateful to all the authors & performers for the wonderful songs, for the opportunity to use it on the channel! ✅ All copyrights to the published materials belong to their rightful owners! ✅ The presence of materials on the channel does not claim copyright in any way! ✅ If you are the copyright owner of the published material & object to its use on this channel, please let us know & we will immediately delete this material! ✅ Emails: [email protected] ✅ Emails: [email protected] P.S. Alex "VOCAL BLUES"